Wednesday 23 March 2016

Organic vs Non. Is the Jury STILL out?

There are many people who buy organic produce.

Many of these people buy organic SOME of the time because they have been told that it is better for them.

Some of these people only buy the occasional organic broccoli when the shop is out of "normal" Broccoli.

Very few of these people will buy organic food ALL of the time.

The problem is that the majority of people will never knowingly buy organic produce.

I will let you guess which of these categories I fall into, which, hopefully, after you've finished reading this post, will be a very easy guess for you.

There are many reasons why organic produce is good for you.

Organic food has more of the antioxidant compounds linked to better health than regular food, and lower levels of toxic metals and pesticides, according to the most comprehensive scientific analysis to date.
The international team behind the work suggests that switching to organic fruit and vegetables could give the same benefits as adding one or two portions of the recommended "five a day".

This research was done at Newcastle university by a team led by Prof Carlo Leifert and concludes by saying that the levels of anti-oxidents in organic foods were up to 69% higher than in non organic. (depending on which food was tested)

The increased levels of antioxidants are equivalent to "one to two of the five portions of fruits and vegetables recommended to be consumed daily.

Now, I don't ever want my blog entries to be too dry, but when I tell you facts, I feel its important to back them up with research and I often joke that I like to stand on other peoples shoulders when it comes to dry facts, but I am convinced that it is essential that we all head towards a more organic and agrarian system.

Beneath is a graphic that I found in the Guardian newspaper that explains why people choose to go over to organic.

So as you can see, there are 5 main reasons why we should all go organic. All of these reasons are very valid, but the main argument against organic is, sadly very difficult to beat.




But I've been doing my sums and it doesn't need to be a huge amount more expensive

  • YOU can spend 25p more on 2 pints of semi-skimmed organic milk (£1.14) at supermarkets
  • 45p more on an organic 800g wholemeal loaf (£1.20) at Sainsbury's
  • £1 more per kg on organic white grapes (£5 per kg) at both Sainsbury's and Tesco
  • £3.23 more on organic pork chops (£5.50) at Tesco than standard ones
  • £1.03 more on a pack of six organic mixed-weight eggs (£2) at Asda
  • 40p more on a 340g tub of organic crunchy peanut butter (£1.70) at Sainsbury's

But there is also ways that you can get organic food without spending a huge amount.

There is always that brown stuff in your garden called EARTH

Or for those without gardens there are VITALITLY BOXES


But the determining factor that will eventually bring down the price of Organics will always be DEMAND. So if more of us start buying it......The price will drop 

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