Saturday 12 March 2016

I guess its time to drop some knowledge on Ya

I've been posting to my blog now since the Beginning of last November, and I don't wish to run out of Banal nonsense to give to the world.....I feel that I've got so much more to give...

So for this post, there will be no silly photos with extremely tenuous links to the subject matter, no pictures of fluffy put it bluntly, no silliness.....

Hopefully, you will remember that my previous post was all about seeds and nuts.

I want to tell you about one of those items.

Flax seed, and the different types that you can get,


Flaxseed can be bought as whole seeds, as flaxseed meal, and as flaxseed oil. Mostly available in health-food stores, it can also be found in stores selling supplements.

You Also can buy it in most of the big British supermarkets (I don't know about supermarkets in other countries), due to its rise in health claims, flax is now available in cereals, baked goods, and other processed foods. I have recently seen it as an addition to salads in my local restaurant.

How to choose the best flaxseed

If you buy the whole seeds from a health-food store, it's probably best to give them a quick sniff to make sure they have not turned rancid. Gone-Off flaxseeds will smell like oil paint and I haven't eaten paint since

Ground flaxseed, with its increased surface area, is much more prone to rancidity than the whole seeds. It’s best to buy whole seeds and grind them at home, if you have the time and opportunity.

Flaxseed oil easily turns rancid. Therefore, you should buy oil that comes in an opaque bottle and from a store that keeps their flaxseed oil refrigerated.

How to store flaxseed

Transfer whole seeds to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator. The whole seeds should keep well for up to a year. Grind only as much as you need at one time. If you have leftover ground flaxseed, freeze in a sealed container for up to six months.

If you do buy the pre-ground meal, store it in the freezer. Sniff the meal before using it. Store flaxseed oil in the refrigerator. If the oil goes rancid, discard it.

You can now buy it ready-milled in air-tight, re-sealable pouches. I usually keep this refrigerated.

How to use flaxseed

Your body can’t derive any nutritional benefit from flaxseed if you consume the seeds whole. Whole flaxseed passes right through your body, and just makes very costly poops.

So ground (milled) flaxseed is best. You can buy prepared flaxseed meal, but because of its high fat content, the ground seeds can go rancid quickly.

You’re probably better off grinding your own, using a coffee grinder or mini food processor.


I will be back soon with some inconsequential drivel



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