Tuesday 1 December 2015

Looks a little odd, That does!

I don't have much time today. I am on a late shift at work.

By the way, I work in a call centre dealing with customer service calls for a large British Supermarket company. That is as much as I am allowed to contractually tell you, but suffice it to say that I have to deal with a lot of middle class problems, like "Oh Hello! I went into your store in Snootyville today and I was incensed that they had run out of my favourite type of venison..........." that sort of stuff...

Anyway, I am working until 10 pm tonight so I thought that I am going to need a good helping of yummy green  goo................err, I mean yummy green smoothie.

My family looked at my 2 smoothies (recipe to follow) and they said "That looks a bit odd like a cross between baby food and Baby poop"

I, of course, laughed like I'd never laughed before in my life and after a few poorly disguised epithets, pointed out that baby food is, in essence, blended food and that my family should probably blow their comments out of their behinds.

Anyway My smoothie consists of.

2x bananas
1 cup blueberries
1 cup black grapes
baby spinach (about a handful)
2 tsp wheatgrass powder
2 tsp pure cacao powder
1 tblsp  0% natural yoghurt
coconut water
ginger (about the size of your thumb with skin on)
cayenne (just a pinch)
Turmeric (just a pinch)
Have fun

Below is an interesting thing that I found on the nutriliving website


5 Foods That Will Increase Your Energy Levels
Looking for natural foods that will help sustain your energy throughout the day? Look no further!
While there are a number of supplements that can keep your energy levels up (including royal jelly, coenzyme Q10, and others), a balance of nutrients is really what's going to give you sustained energy - and that means eating whole foods in their most natural state.
Because your body digests protein, fats and carbohydrates differently, eating foods that contain a healthy mix is more efficient. Your body gets more for less!
These are some energy superstars that are easy to find and easy to Blast, for a quick and healthy meal that will keep your body running at its best.
1. Bananas
Bananas provide a lot of potassium, an electrolyte that helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function. Unlike some nutrients, the body doesn’t store potassium for long periods of time. This means that your potassium level can drop during times of stress or during strenuous exercise when the nutrient is lost through excessive sweating. The sugar in bananas is also an easily digested form of carbohydrate, helping deliver a quick burst of energy, which is then sustained because of bananas' fiber content.
2. Water
Without water, your body cannot generate energy. Water makes it possible for your system to digest, absorb and transport nutrients. It also helps regulate body temperature. When you’re dehydrated, your cells receive energy nutrients less efficiently and your body can’t properly expend heat through sweating.
3. Lentils and Beans
Lentils and Beans are a great source of fiber, which translates to a slow release of glucose, as well as B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium and copper. Lentils provide both carbohydrates and protein.
4. Oats
Oats contain the energizing and stress-lowering B vitamin family, which help transform carbs into usable energy. Oats are also low on the glycemic index because they have a lot of fiber, translating into a steady stream of energy, as opposed to a short-term spike, because the carbohydrates gradually flow into your bloodstream.The key here is to look for high-fiber oatmeal, like oat bran. For the best nutritional kick, avoid instant oatmeal and stick with more natural varieties. My favorites are steel cut and groats!
5. Nuts – Cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts
These nuts are not only rich in protein, but they also contain magnesium, a mineral that plays a vital role in converting sugar into energy. Research suggests magnesium deficiency can drain your energy. Magnesium is also found in whole grains, particularly bran cereals.
More energy-saving tips!
Avoid high sugar foods, especially refined sugars. These cause a spike in blood sugar followed by a reduction in blood sugar, leaving you feeling fatigued.
Avoid caffeine. This is also a temporary stimulant. Although coffee initially raises stress hormones and gives a rush of energy, consuming several cups or more of coffee per day can promote burnout.
Get enough sleep!
Do not eat a heavy meal at lunchtime. This will use up energy to digest the food, leaving you feeling tired mid-afternoon. Remember that feeling you get after eating your Thanksgiving meal!
Another strategy for stabilizing blood sugar, energy and mood: Eat small meals and snacks every three to four hours, rather than a few large meals


  1. Good recipes Ian, Start loading more greens, brocolli and kale and get some flaxseed going, it'll really keep the hunger at bay. You're folks will hear you blow it out your A*** for the first dozen mixes. Please no photos or videos. Arrggh my brain hurts!!! ;)

  2. Parts of you tend to hurt when you don't use them very often. I understand about the explosive effects of brassicas. Honestly, its like you've never met me. BTW Ive managed to get blogger installed on my crap phone after a bit of cajoling and various threats. Eventually the little bitch succumbed to my will.
