I have already told you that I am not going to get preachy, mainly because of the fact that when I find myself building up to a Rant, I start swearing and end up insulting as many people around me as possible. Just because I want them to feel as miserable as I can.
Some of you may find this unreasonable and unnecessary, however I find it immensely satisfying and edifying,
I feel that if you are reading this Blog, then you are already well aware of the reasons behind wanting to ingest pure and fresh ingredients and therefore, don't need preaching to.
When I started thinking about changing my eating habits, I was blissfully unaware of the amounts of toxins and additives that were making their way into my system. I thought that there was no way that the government would allow food producers to put harmful substances in our food chain.
My ignorance was literally and actually killing me.
It is said that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, but in my case, a little knowledge (or zero knowledge) could have been a fatal thing.
In the weeks leading up to me starting this blog, I would get home from work, make my cup of tea, and start surfing for information. Almost immediately, my reaction was
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Why? .......How?......What?......Who?.....
I actually felt betrayed by the people who made my food... It's like The stuff I had loved my whole life was engaged in a sneaky conspiracy with my body to find the best way to end me.
In the past, I have worked in the catering trade, and I must admit that I have not always been fully supportive of vegans and vegetarians.
Among many catering jobs that I have had, I was a chef in a Gourmet Fish Restaurant in Poole, Dorset.
I will let you imagine my reaction when a group of very vocal vegans came into the restaurant demanding that I cook a meal that suited them.
I was called from the Kitchen on a Saturday night, and the group loudly asked me why I did not cater to their need.
I calmly explained that, as we were a fish and seafood restaurant, we didn't usually get many patrons who required vegan dishes, and that every pot and pan in my kitchen had once had a dead sea creature in it at some time.
It was some five minutes of friendly chat later that they may have intimated that I was discriminating against them, and I very politely pointed out that there was plenty of seaweed growing in Poole Harbour and that while they were under the surface harvesting the seaweed, they shouldn't forget to breathe.
It's not my place to say if I was right or wrong, but this was nearly 20 years ago, and my attitude at the time was probably less informed than it is today.
However, I would like to think that if this happened to me today, I would react differently. But the reality is, given the fact that I am becoming way more argumentative as I barrel towards middle-age, I probably wouldn't be as polite now as I was then. I still don't like people telling me what I should or shouldn't do.
I feel that I have strayed off topic. You will see a link here similar to the ones that I found myself reading.
Now, this link is a bit bookish, but I found it very scary to think that these additives are found in everyday foodstuff that we find on the supermarket shelves. EVEN the stuff that we are told is good for us.
Many people get enraged about this sort of stuff, but I was looking at evidence like this and saying to myself, "Well, Ian, it cant hurt to explore a more healthy diet."
I did exactly the same thing when I gave up cigarettes and replaced smoking with Vaping.
It might not be good for you, and it may not improve your health, but it is still not even close to being as bad for you than smoking.
The difference is that with the food thing, I am confident that this WILL improve my health.
Today's recipe.
This combo goes together like peas in a pod!
Two root vegetables known for their immune system benefits, they’re often juiced together to add sweetness and tangy zest to any drink. Try them in this Blast – along with protein-packed Greek yogurt – for a surprisingly creamy and tasty mix that will make your smoothie extra special.
1 Cup Spinach
1 Cup Carrots
½ Inch Ginger
¼ Cup Greek Yogurt
½ Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 ½ Cups Coconut (or almond) Milk
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