I'd like to start this edition of my Blog off with some information that I just want to get out there, because I think its really awesome and this Blog is all about MY personal journey, and if you feel that its self-indulgent or crass and unsavoury to you , well, DEAL WITH IT, frankly.
Since I have started the Smoothie monster diet, I have lost over 9 lbs (pounds) That's well over half a stone. (I cant be bothered to convert that to Kilograms, I'm sure you can Google it if its important to you)
Now, as I have said, I am not following any regimented diet, or any recipe book. I am just using common sense and a small amount of knowledge that I have picked up along the way in my life. Just stick to fresh ingredients (organic if you can afford it) and experiment with different tastes.
You can get some great results by adding different herbs and spices, most of which have incredible healing and health properties.
I've been taking my smoothies to work during the day, and a number of my colleagues have looked at me while I'm having lunch, as if I'm, well, out to lunch...
In Fact, some of them looked at me as if I were not in for a single meal. You see, up until a few weeks ago, I was going over the road and buying the sandwiches, rolls and warm meals from the local Café which are quick and easy, and sometimes quite tasty, but, as with all things from a roadside café in the heartlands of the U.K, they are not good for you in anyway shape or form. All the warm food is deep-fried and all the sandwich fillers are full fat, sugary and loaded with carbs. Even their salads have dressing on them that have more blubber in them than a deep fried whale sandwich.
I found myself getting many questions and comments like.
"what the hell is that? It looks like baby sick"
"that looks like something that dripped out of a sheep's nose"
or my personal favourite
"that looks like my Dog's green foamy poop after he had eaten some grass"
Now I'm not saying that ALL of my colleagues have such devastating repartee or rapier-like wit like this, but some of them did take an interest in what I was trying to accomplish.
One of the more interesting questions that I have been asked has been about the pros and cons of starting this lifestyle.
Have I had any bad bodily reactions from swapping my diet from a mainly solid diet to a predominantly liquidised diet?
BEFORE YOU READ ON......please see warning sign below
I thought about the question of side-effects and , in all honesty, the first few days of my smoothie diet DID present me with a few potentially unnerving and embarrassing symptoms.
There is no easy way of saying this......but I was inflicted with two main problems.
First of all the GREEN BABY SPLATTERS.
Although This was an issue, it was controllable and even predictable, however, this paled into insignificance when compared to the thunderous, non-stop, BIBLICAL flatulence, and the Race-horse levels of urination
Dear Blog Reader, Please don't fret! these nasty symptoms are, I assume, a form of detox because they will soon disappear.
I can Honestly say that, even this early on in my journey, I have never felt so healthy.
For those of you who are reading this who are still in the thrall of youth, I need to tell you what nobody told me.
When you get past a certain age, you start to develop little niggles and twinges, like a little pulled muscle here....or a clicking joint there... and all of these add up....
You start living your life between bad backs and sore joints. It's insidious and it just creeps up on you.....The Bastard.
I can tell you that 90% of those little niggles have now been banished. They have just gone.
I'm not sure, but I am Going to put it down to my change of diet..
I'm not saying that Ive gone all new-age and that I am Renewed like a phoenix
All I can tell you is that I feel good and I'm losing weight.
Today's recipe
The unexpectedly rich chocolate flavour in this Blast
will definitely be a welcome surprise – especially when you realise what
healthy ingredients it has! Don’t be put off just yet! Give it a try. Cacao,
high in antioxidant compounds like anthocyanidin and epicatechins, helps ward
off diseases related to heart health and inflammation, while cauliflower
provides a wealth of B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.
Nervous about trying a cauliflower Blast? Its flavor
is masked by the cacao and honey, but feel free to work up to a larger helping
of cauliflower a little at a time.