Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Commonplace Illness? Not for me it bloody isnt.

SORRY. Its been a long time since my last post. The reason involves personal reasons which I am not going to bore you with, plus I'm fairly confident that my absence hasn't diminished your life in any way. So....... in the two years since you been subjected to my feverish whittering IN THOSE TWO YEARS, HAS ANYTHING BIG HAPPENED IN THE WORLD? In the innocent, Halcyon days of 2019, If you'd told me what was going to happen, if you'd have said our lives were just about to be cast into a dystopian gulag, where we all had to wear face-masks and isolate inside our own homes,if you'd told me that, I'd have called you a flippin lunatic. I would have suspected you to be something akin to a flat-earther or a moon-landing denier. COVID 19! HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER! How can something simultaniously bring the worst and the best in humanity? I have been staggered by the bravery and selflessness of all medical professionals, hospital workers paramedics, shop assistants and basically, all those who risked their wellbeing for us.

Then there are the people who routinely rely on information posted on the internet by some bloke called colin who posts his crazy theories from the converted attic in his mums house. The world's attention has now turned to the horrific events that have befallen the courageous people of Ukraine and their incredible President, 

so Covid is no longer the BĂȘte Noir of the right-wing tabloids, so apparently we've beaten the virus now, haven't we? SURE

 On a personal level, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to indulge me, I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This was a massive surprise, as I was showing no symptoms. It just showed up in a blood test that I requested due to joint pain. I was also surprised because I have been extolling the virtue of smoothies and healthy eating for a long time now. I still truly beleive in the healing power of raw fruit and veg, I am just using less fruit now. Take care everyone

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